Friday 19 August 2011

The Sacred Well Final Chapter

 Next morning when dawned break I went in search of ZamZam and located the exact site which answered to the description which the celestial Being gave me between the two idols of Asaf and Naila. When I began digging the well with my only son Harith for then I had no one else but him, the Quraish made havoc by crying out, “What! Have we to uproot the idols which were implanted there by our forefathers?” I did my best to calm their temper. But to my great disappointment and dismay they were stern and stubborn. But with a firm resolve and an invincible spirit to do what was ordered by that blessed dream I continued digging the spot to find out the well. I asked my son Harith, to stand by, as a protection against any impending assault by the Quraish.
    “The Quraish finding me unbreakable in my stand and wishing not to strain their relationship with me to the breaking point left me alone to my wretched fate. Greatly satisfied that although they did not lend their helping hands to me they dared not lay their hand on me, I dug up the earth  with my pick-axe in hope that the labour shell never go in vain.
   Before I dug it up deeply the stone top of the well appeared to my immense joy. Then I went on digging it up and found inside it two gold deers, some swords of steel and coats-of-mail which Amr bin Harith the head of the Jurhumites had buried there before leaving Mekkah. Very much enthused at this find which I considered as the first fruit of my labour, I continued that sweet toil by digging dipper and dipper when hurrah!  At a happy stroke of the crowbar, water gushed up copiously with bubble swimming on it. Thus the chocked up spring of the sacred ZamZam was miraculously uncovered.
   “No sooner the Quraish came to know of my lucky find then they suddenly appeared in the scene. They claimed rights over ZamZam and clamoured for the articles found in its bowels by saying, “This is the well of our great grandsire Ishmeal and we have rights over them.” “No I was especially chosen by God and commissioned by Him to do this onerous job and not you. Hence I am well circumstanced to the right” replied I, with righteous indignation.
The Quraish did not take nay for an answer so there was much quarrel between us over this issue. At last finding their condition untenable and their contention unsubstantial, they said meekly, “You are right but do some justice to us. Let us submit matter to the sacred arrow of Hubal and poise our case in the scale of justice of our Lord (Arabs tradition of drawing lot but was prohibited after the advent of Islam.) “Fed up with this petty war of words and pointless bickering which were irksome to my mind I accepted their suggestion. I made six arrows, two of yellow hue to Kaabah, two of black ones to myself and two of white colour to the Quraish. Then we handed over them to the priest who was in charge of divinatory arrows which the head had turned gray due to long service to the Kaabah.
   When the Quraish started to draw the arrows, I prayed for God’s mercy to be in my favour. I was justly glad when Divine justice had prevailed over us by making those two golden deers fall to the lot of Kaabah, the armours  and the swords  to me and the Quraish nil.
   “Disappointed, defeated and crest-fallen, the Quraish returned home without any murmur leaving me to reap and enjoy the rich harvest of my labour. Indeed just are the ways of God which need no justification and right in the decree of Lord none needs to complaint.
   I became the virtual owner of that holy fountain. I dispensed its water to all the citizens of this sacred locality as it is the prerogative of man to quench his thirst.
 This sacred well continue to give its services to the people from far and near for more the one thousand four hundred years. Every year in the month of Dzul Hijjah millions of people pouring into Makkah making their pilgrimage and taking home ZamZam water a compulsory. It’s seems, the water is enough for everybody. Only God’s knows the answer and Allah knows better.
End of the story